Is Epoxy or Polyurethane a better coating for factory floors?

There are many schools of thought about which coating technology will last the longest, look the best and provide the most value for money. What we will try to do here is demystify the benefits of each coating and provide a guide for what we believe to be the most suitable applications for each technology. The reality is there isn’t a one size fits all solution and indeed some floors are better to be left uncoated.

An example of where a coating isn’t typically used include heavy industry fabrication and welding bays as the welding slag creates burns and pockmarks on the coating surface very quickly diminishing the benefits of a floor coating. That, however, is the exception. In most industries coating the floor provides benefits right out of the gate. These can include, ease of cleaning, professional appearance and good corporate image, protection of the slab from chemicals, minimization of dust, increased morale, and the list goes on.

Following is a summary of the pros and cons of each Technology:



  • UV resistant and colour stable
  • Flexible
  • Impact resistant
  • Able to be applied in very low temperatures
  • Clear coats are glass clear and can be formulated to be non yellowing



  • Typically, thin film so reflects any unevenness in the concrete slab
  • Often contains isocyanates which are harmful to health if proper PPE measure aren’t taken
  • More expensive than epoxy coatings




  • Very cost effective
  • DIY friendly
  • Are often water based or solvent free, meaning they are well suited where green star credentials are required.
  • Very high builds can be achieved


  • Fade or chalk when exposed to sunlight – e.g. around a doorway.
  • Cure speed slows significantly in cooler weather
  • When used as a clear coat it yellows quickly


Based on our experience and those of our accredited applicators, in 8 out of 10 projects an epoxy coating provides the best value for money. In most industrial applications slight fading around doorways and roller shutters is not an issue and doesn’t cause any breakdown in film integrity.

In 2 out of 10 projects a polyurethane is a better option for the following reasons.

  1. Part of the job is exterior e.g. a driveway, therefore requiring UV stability
  2. High end car dealerships or showrooms with UV exposure
  3. Non-Yellowing clear coat for polished concrete floors
  4. Non-Yellowing clear coat for flake flooring

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