Quality Policy

Our business depends on our customers having confidence in the quality of the products and service we provide.

We aim to deliver products and service to our customers which make a positive contribution to their businesses and meet Quality and other agreed performance outcomes.

A&I Coatings Pty Ltd has a documented Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO9001:2015 as well as all other applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. We are committed to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System which provides a framework for establishing and reviewing Quality Objectives.

We are committed to remain competitive and to enhance the confidence customer have in our capacity, ability and willingness to make a positive contribution to their businesses.

We look beyond sales for opportunities to ‘add value’ – whether in technical assistance, quality, financial or simply through initiatives to enhance goodwill to the projects and organisations for which we work. Our Objective is to contribute a tangible and meaningful improvement to all of the operations in which we are involved. These commitments are understood and shared by all staff.

We shall ensure that our activities have the minimum adverse impact on the environment despite the hazardous nature of our products and raw materials.

Our entire Quality Management System is constantly reviewed to ensure it retains its suitability for our business.

A&I Coatings Pty Ltd Quality Management System is dynamic and allows us to change and react quickly to market requirements thus achieving customer satisfaction, security and prosperity of all stakeholders.

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